
Personal Library Catalog

Dissatisfied with my own attempts to catalog my own library (via excel or word), I found this at the apple site. The great thing is that you can type in the ISBN and it will autocomplete the information for the book from the Library of Congress (or amazon or whatever you choose). Also it automatically uploads photos of covers so that you can switch your view from list to covers (much as you would on iTunes). I imagine this will make life much easier if I need to box up books that I use seldom--I could create a list for each box (making sure to label the box) and then search my library later to find, say, the Pitt press commentary on Juvenal is in Box #14. Then I don't have to rummage all over the house for it and I am able to maintain fewer active bookshelves at home (a hazard with a soon-to-crawl baby).